Savanna Sembalun Lawang regions of Mount Rinjani

Sembalun Lawang village altitude 1300m under foot of mount Rinjani

Savanna Sembalun Lawang Village altitude 1.156 meter asl Mount Rinjani

Check Weather Forecast at Mount Rinjani

Savanna Grass Sembalun Lawang altitude 1100m

Your guide and porter have brought camera as your memories at Sembalun Lawang Village Mount Rinjani here and please visit again photo galleries of all our guests at the facebook page during a hike on Mount Rinjani at

Savanna Sembalun Lawang

Is a small village located on the north foot of Mount Rinjani. Beautiful small village at an altitude of approximately 1.156 meters is presenting a beautiful natural scenery as well as one of the popular starting point point of climbing to summit Mount Rinjani 3726 m above sea level. In addition to Sembalun Lawang Village, Senaru Village is another gateway to reach the splendor of Mount Rinjani located on Lombok Island, West Nusa Tenggara. The cool Sembalun Lawang village is a favorite as a starting point for climbing as it makes the climbers save energy and time to reach the summit of Mount Rinjani. On the way to this village for approximately 4 hours from Mataram city, you will be presented with scenic green scenery set against the majestic Mount Rinjani. All our team of coordinators, guides and porters come from the local community of Sembalun Lawang. Sembalun Lawang regions, the gate to the top of Mount Rinjani climb from the East. Sprawling savanna until approaching to the post 3 (approximately 6 km). A morning view of the stunning scenery.


Sembalun Lawang altitude 1200m under foot of mount Rinjani

Sembalun Lawang village altitude 1200m under foot of mount Rinjani

Sembalun Lawang village altitude 1300m under foot of mount Rinjani

Sembalun Lawang village altitude 1300m under foot of mount Rinjani

Starting point from the Sembalun Mount Rinjani, we are greeted by the Savannas along 6 kilometers.

Starting point from the Sembalun Mount Rinjani, we are greeted by the Savannas along 6 kilometers.

Starting from the Sembalun Mount Rinjani, we are greeted by the Savannas along 6 kilometers

Starting from the Sembalun Mount Rinjani, we are greeted by the Savannas along 6 kilometers

Starting from the Sembalun Mount Rinjani, we are greeted by the Savannas along 6 kilometers

Starting from the Sembalun Mount Rinjani, we are greeted by the Savannas along 6 kilometers

Starting from the Sembalun Mount Rinjani, we are greeted by the Savannas along 6 kilometers

Starting from the Sembalun Mount Rinjani, we are greeted by the Savannas along 6 kilometers

Starting from the Sembalun Lawang Mount Rinjanhi, we are greeted by the Savannas along 6 kilometers

Starting from the Sembalun Lawang Mount Rinjanhi, we are greeted by the Savannas along 6 kilometers

Starting from the Sembalun Mount Rinjani, we are greeted by the Savannas along 6 kilometers

Starting from the Sembalun Mount Rinjani, we are greeted by the Savannas along 6 kilometers

Hills of Regret - Mount Rinjani

Hills of Regret Mount Rinjani

Another challenging trail you need to get through is here. People name it “The seven hills of regret” means that you’ll be too late to feel regret since you have gone that far and it felt like never ending. You have no choice but keep moving forward. Seriously. There are around seven hills which ascents brutally. Each hill promises you a fake hope of the top. It is pretty much identical but may be sevenfold in distance. You did not count the hills exactly. but it’s kind of many. No worries, you’ll be entertained by the natural charms all the way up the hills. The only obstacle is that you’ll too tired to get your camera ready (DSLR for instance). Truly challenge.


Starting from the Sembalun regions, we are greeted by the Savannas along 6 kilometers

Starting from the Sembalun regions, we are greeted by the Savannas along 6 kilometers